Friday, March 16, 2007

Selective indignation

"and who would you LEAST expect in a mink?", Del Boy asked at the SSFF...:

Macca in mink
(Tabloid News - 12/03/07 - Daisy Kay)

You know it's a slow news day when the most exciting lead is a snap of anti-fur campaigner Heather Mills wearing a mink coat in... 1989.
The Mirror is delighted with their find, even going to the trouble of printing 40 little pictures of a mink's face, informing us that 'it took ALL these to make it'!
'The video will deeply embarrass the anti-fur activist, who last year called Naomi Campbell 'shallow and hypocritical' for wearing fur,' the paper scoffs.

A taste of her own medicine for the golddigger everyone loves to hate. :-)
And it shows how often 'public outrage' about fur is a question of selective indignation. Anyone remember the fuss about the less htan popular Countess of Wessex wearing a fox hairband, somewhere abroad? Of a type where someone really had to have it your hands to be sure it was real fur? Like someone from the royal household... who couldn't keep him or herself from making a phone call to a newspaper?
Now, compare that to the tons of fur that Her Majesty has worn all her life, in full view on television - you'd expect that those at least would have been good for a minor civil war, wouldn't they?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Soft Spot TV ep. 8: Law for Seksi Biznismen

It has come to our ears lately that several West-European nations are considering to include animal rights into their constitutions. I'm looking forward to the discussions. Will 'All animals are created equal?' be in there? With or without the proviso '... but some are more equal than others'? And if someone spots me swatting a mosquito or a wasp (I'm allergic to wasps), can I expect the Law at my doorstep? Or if get stung and survive, should I sue them? Does that mean that veggie-ism is going to be compulsory for all?
Obviously, animals are not created equal, unless you're a Jain-Buddhist. But who's going to draw the line? And by what standards?

After all this high-minded talk, time for some good old indecent and even immoral Balkan links. As usual, leave good taste in the umbrella stand at the door, if you can find some space left between the kalashnikovs.

* Ceca - Gore od ljubavi
Ceca is a turbofolk icon. In the beginning of this clip I saw the snow coming down on Ceca's barely covered body and I knew there was going to fur in this one. And there was. Two coats even.
* Ceca - Lepi Grome Moj
I did...! I did see a pussycat! Some cuts with a feathered Ceca sitting in a non-escape-proof birdcage. Depending on your age, you'll be reminded of a classic Avengers episode or of Sylvester and Tweety.
* Goga Sekulic - Seksi biznismen
A silverfox stole (with tail) and some very good feathers, in one clip. Find of the day, Goga is almost too seksi for her furs.
* Goga Sekulic - Gubim kontrolu
Not my favorite kind of furs, but some furlovers may like the camera angle. Goga wants control - get it?
* Goga Sekulic - I lepsa i bolja
For completenes' sake: soso fur, LQ video, although I think it's actually not a bad clip at all. Everyone you see is Goga, except for the two dancers (I guess). Three persona changes in one line, beat that Madonna. And okay, I like the synthesized bag pipes.

Ah, it might as well be spring...