Monday, September 25, 2006

Soft Spot TV ep. 3: "When in Milan" (Fur)

Posted by Mikhail K. on September 25, 2006, 12:10:10

On Google video:
This one was posted minutes ago on Google. I didn't see anybody's name with it, so I supposed linking to it won't be seen as stealing somebody's limelight. To our unknown benefactor, it's very good, thank you: (or look for "mi fur fashion" in Google Video)

And there's this one with Jaimy Pressly, I don't know what it's about, but it includes a bright red fur coat:

A very quick look on the Sims2 fur coat: (of course it's not real, it's just pixels, sweety dah'ling!)

Videofashion News Vol.29 #43 Autumn/Winter 2005-06 (fur flashes):

Possible reruns from the now lost SoftspotTV Ep. 1:
* Some street scenes
* (virtually identical)
* (Russian street scene)
* (same in slow motion)


On Walking Skeletons

Last week finally saw some inside opposition against the catwalk's love affair with anorexia. Not long prepared to put up with 'walking skeletons' (words of the Madrid's organizer Cuca Solana), the Madrid Fashion Week banned models who were under the WHO norm. Consequently, a handful of waifs discovered the scale also had a nogo zone on the left and had to leave.

Predictably, not everybody agreed. In Paris it will be business as usual. One designer (I hope can get the gist through in translation): Some teens, if they're taller than usual, will just look unnaturally skinny in the eyes of outsiders.'


So, here's my question to you then: With all the talk about 'designer's artistic freedom' and 'discrimination against naturally gazelle-like models', what are minors - and we know there are 15-year olds out there - doing in a cut-throat business that
- glorifies a 'beauty' ideal that's not just unhealthy, but lethal in the long run?
- has an atrocious record when it comes to drug abuse?

Dior / Vogue fur and feathers

Posted by Mikhail K. on September 25, 2006, 9:42:24

* At the risk that Sheeny already covered this:
- Vogue US September is a must-have, if you still can get it. I managed to lay my hands on the issue this Saturday; it has a number of very nice pictures in the ads and the editorials, and the yearly 'fur advertorial' is in there too. Also a nice 4-page feather (!) ad by Basso.
- Vogue Germany Oktober is interesting but not as good as the above. There's a fur editorial, but with pig-ugly models (almost a tautology these days, I know), which makes one feel this regional edition could do with some tender love & care by Anna Wintour herself. However, to make up for it somewhat, there also also some nice ads by Bonnie, etc. Apparently the people who have to sell the wares themselves know their business a lot better than some of the editorial gurus.
* I like this slideshow, although it has very little fur and the pictures are way too small:

Enjoy your week,


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SoftspotTV, Ep. 2: "Bored and Dericious"

(fur, fake fur and feathers)
Posted by Mikhail K. on September 20, 2006, 21:25:12

Ian P.'s efforts inspired me to do an other SoftspotTV episode. Thanks Ian!

Fur, or should I say FUR:
Ayumi Hamasaki wearing a really beautiful mink (and I don't use the phrase 'beautiful mink' easily!) throughout her clip 'Bold and Delicious. If anyone has a proper quality .mpeg instead of a Google file, I'd like to hear:
Avoid the 'live' version, it's unintentionally funny. Or should I say, 'Bored and Dericious'?

*, or look for 'Ayumi Hamasaki step you'. Black fur collar and trim in some parts.

* or 'Ayumi Hamasaki (Miss) Understood. The commercial for the album.

* or 'Ayumi Hamasaki Mister Donut'. Ayumi wearing a blue fox fur coat throughout a commercial. Kawaii...

* Ayumi accepting an award for her song 'No way to say, and performing it, while wearing a white fur stole. It might be fake, but it's so good I really don't care. Or look for 'Ayumi No Way To Say Live'

*, The clip for the same song, different furs.

Fake fur:

You Tube. Fake Christmas fur in fact. Including the bag, which is a neat detail, IMHO. Look for 'ayumi boss santa'. Love the music too, much better than her regular stuff.

Feather and fake fur:

* On Youtube, look for 'Nina Hagen Torgen place'. A long interview with the German singer Nina Hagen. She's wearing a very fluffy marabou bolero and cute fake fur leg warmers throughout. For those of us who understand German, it's in German and somewhere she explains in her own Nina-ish way that she doesn't want to hurt animals, but feathers should be okay. Sure Nina. Nina being Nina, I can appreciate that one.

Feathers, er... FEATHERS:

* One more Ayumi:
The middle part of this long clip has her running through corridors wearing a lovely ostrich feather outfit. Don't ask me why. There's also a shorter, feathers-only version of this clip (look for 'Ayumi Games intro')

* YES! The same feathers but live, and she also brings along some feathered friends, after the bondage weirdos have gone. Sort of Kylie-meets-Madonna, but better.

* On Google video, look for 'Phyllis Diller interview'. Another interview, a looong interview with comedian Phyllis Diller. She's getting on a bit (just a bit), but she's also wearing a nice ostrich trimmed gown. Actually, I think she's cute and funny too.




Sunday, September 10, 2006

Holiday Loot pt. 2

Introducing S n e z a n a B a b i c.

Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at



Saturday, September 09, 2006

Holiday Loot pt. 1

A wonderful place, this Ex-Yu. Except some of their CDs won't play on my computer...

Kate 2

Kate, fair Kate...

Kate Moss doing Dietrich 1

Well, what can I say. The last of the supermodels that's still super.

Friday, September 01, 2006

My 'back from holidays' SSFF post


Hello all,

I'm back again; thanks to all for keeping this place alive and well!

I spent some time in a strange place called 'Ex-Yu', where they have singers of the type that you don't take home to mother too soon (because it might make your mum jealous of their furs, ha!). Anyway, I enlarged my collection of fur- and feather-carrying CD covers. A local bonus is that they sell some of their CDs in DVD boxes, which aren't just more solid than jewel boxes but also giving better scanning material. Awaiting my scans, here's some related material: (fake) (small real ones) (page link to the pic you should see below this message - small one, but this is one of the CDs that I got, so wait for the larger MK scan some time soon).

And yes Ian, I got some feathers too: (big pic, and there's more in the CD booklet).

I wonder if this is just a Balkan thing, or if our readers in the rest of Middle/Eastern Europe have collected similar material?



Hello all Soft Spot fans,

I'm finally given in to worldwide peer pressure and doing a blog too. Not as replacement for the Soft Spot Fashion Forum, but as a backup and an archive for my own posts there, a headsup for good material there, and perhaps for some personal, not so SSFF-related stuff. Also I hope the ads here are less obtrusive than on Boardhost, and you can RSS to this blog.

To those who have never heard of the SSFF: it's a moderated pornless and (almost) hatred-free messageboard about fur, fake fur and feather related fashion, and a bunch of really nice people.


Mikhail K.