Monday, September 25, 2006

On Walking Skeletons

Last week finally saw some inside opposition against the catwalk's love affair with anorexia. Not long prepared to put up with 'walking skeletons' (words of the Madrid's organizer Cuca Solana), the Madrid Fashion Week banned models who were under the WHO norm. Consequently, a handful of waifs discovered the scale also had a nogo zone on the left and had to leave.

Predictably, not everybody agreed. In Paris it will be business as usual. One designer (I hope can get the gist through in translation): Some teens, if they're taller than usual, will just look unnaturally skinny in the eyes of outsiders.'


So, here's my question to you then: With all the talk about 'designer's artistic freedom' and 'discrimination against naturally gazelle-like models', what are minors - and we know there are 15-year olds out there - doing in a cut-throat business that
- glorifies a 'beauty' ideal that's not just unhealthy, but lethal in the long run?
- has an atrocious record when it comes to drug abuse?


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