Monday, October 02, 2006

The Soft Spot Digest (as of September 1 2006)

No news in this issue, I just re-post it here for safekeeping. If you've never gone through the Digest, have a look, you might find it useful.

THE SSFF DIGEST-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The Soft Spot back up blog (that is, I'll back up some of the messages that I particularly like, and in case of Boardhost going down, I'll keep you posted there):
* Some links to watch on a daily basis (if you've got that kind of day)- Brilliant pictures.- After this excellent photo part was taken down but it it has revived in some form. Still interesting.- pictures stay here only for a few days, almost like a Usenet group. If you post something from this site, you'd do everybody a favour to repost the picture on an imagehosting site.- A blog with nice occasionally rare fashion scans. (Sheeny) - during the fur-wearing season, and the occasional Dennis Basso show. I only wish Milan or Venice had a site like this...- small pictures and often watermarked in a pig-ugly way (as if it helps to sell them!), but an endless source for fur and feather-clad celebrities.- Similar, but better if it comes to older material. Look for 'fur woman' or 'fur actress' and you'll find some classics.-, suggestion by Votanodin. This is new to me, but people share videos here too, which might be interesting.- Boy: 'This is actually about the best site (as it is Italian and they sport the odd fur or two').- Votanodin)- And as to Getty, here is a good one by Del Boy:"I often look at Gettty and Rex Features - and if I see a celeb wearing some nice furs I then go to I try to find the pics - often with success.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Clifford's favorite dog food:"My favorite brand of dog food is NaturalChoice Senior (in the silver bag). I also like peanut butter and pasta"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Share, share, share!- Post big files so people can download them.- Also consider e.g. Our resident picture hoster. There are other good hosters too, just as long as you don't use Imagevenue. :->
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Honourable mention:-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* While we're in a charitable mood... (from Del Boy)-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* How to convert Imagevenue links:(Posted by zb on March 8, 2006, 22:00:06)Hi! If the links to the imagevenue-pics only lead you to the front page, try the following:
1) link used for the example:
2) Basic address is:http://img*a**b*& image=*c*(Had to insert a blank between "loc*b*&" and "image=", otherwise it would have looked like "loc*b*ℑ=" ... Please remove that blank!)
3) Replace *a* with the number after "http://img", e.g. "12"
4) Replace *b* with the number after "/loc", e.g. "252"
5) Replace *c* with the name of the pic, e.g. "48927_Gisele_B_Fendi_Fall00_03.jpg"
So you'll get a URL like image=48927_Gisele_B_Fendi_Fall00_03.jpg(Again inserted a blank for better readbility, see above)Good luck!
* How to convert FLBG pictures?Another recurring question! In the current state of things, the big pictures have been taken down in their original 4 MB size, probably because of traffic overflow. I'm told they've been reposted in much smaller resolution, but they're still nice to look at. This is an example of a working URL:
(And thanks to all involved in dealing with this question on this board.)
A lesson from this: we're not the small, double-figure band of aficionados anymore. On picture sites I've seen pictures getting hundreds of hits. Keep this in mind if you link to something big that's not on a professional, really solid Google- or Yahoo-type server.


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